Glossary C

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Capacity', 'Cardiovascular', 'Control'

Deutsch: Brust / Español: Pecho / Português: Peito / Français: Poitrine / Italian: Petto

Chest in the fitness context refers to the group of muscles located in the upper front part of the torso that plays a crucial role in pushing movements, upper body strength, and overall aesthetic appearance. The primary muscles of the chest are the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, which are engaged in various exercises aimed at developing strength, size, and endurance. Chest training is an essential component of a balanced fitness routine, contributing to improved posture, functional strength, and athletic performance.

Deutsch: Kaffee / Español: Café / Português: Café / Français: Café / Italiano: Caffè

Coffee is a widely consumed beverage made from roasted coffee beans, known for its rich flavour and stimulating effects due to the presence of caffeine. In the fitness context, coffee is often used as a pre-workout drink because of its ability to enhance performance by increasing energy levels, improving focus, and potentially aiding in fat burning.

Deutsch: Kichererbsen / Español: Garbanzos / Português: Grão-de-bico / Français: Pois chiches / Italiano: Ceci

Chickpeas are a type of legume known for their high protein and fibre content, making them a popular food in various diets. In the fitness context, chickpeas are valued for their ability to provide sustained energy, support muscle recovery, and contribute to overall dietary balance due to their nutrient density.

Deutsch: Casein / Español: Caseína / Português: Caseína / Français: Caséine / Italiano: Caseina

Casein is a slow-digesting protein found in milk, making up about 80% of its protein content. In the fitness context, it is highly valued for its ability to provide a steady release of amino acids, making it an ideal protein source for muscle recovery and growth, particularly during periods of rest, such as overnight.

Deutsch: Käse / Español: Queso / Português: Queijo / Français: Fromage / Italiano: Formaggio

Cheese is a dairy product made from the coagulation of milk proteins, primarily casein, and is known for its rich flavour and versatility. In the fitness context, cheese is valued as a source of high-quality protein, essential fats, and various micronutrients that can support muscle recovery, energy levels, and overall health.

Deutsch: Kernkraft / Español: Fuerza central / Português: Força central / Français: Force centrale / Italian: Forza centrale

Core strength refers to the ability of the muscles in the midsection of the body—mainly the abdominals, lower back, and pelvic area—to stabilize and support the spine and pelvis during movement. In the fitness context, core strength is essential for overall physical health, as it enhances balance, stability, and posture, and plays a critical role in almost every physical activity, from daily tasks to intense athletic performance.

Deutsch: Zitronensäurezyklus / Español: Ciclo del Ácido Cítrico / Português: Ciclo do Ácido Cítrico / Français: Cycle de l'Acide Citrique / Italian: Ciclo dell'Acido Citrico

Citric Acid Cycle is a crucial metabolic pathway also known as the Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. It plays a vital role in cellular respiration, where it helps generate energy by oxidizing acetyl-CoA derived from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into carbon dioxide and chemical energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Deutsch: Huhn / Español: Pollo / Português: Frango / Français: Poulet / Italian: Pollo

Chicken is a highly valued source of lean protein in the fitness context. It is frequently incorporated into the diets of individuals who are focused on building muscle, losing fat, and maintaining overall health. Chicken provides essential nutrients that support physical performance, recovery, and general well-being.

Deutsch: Stuhlpose / Español: Postura de la Silla / Português: Postura da Cadeira / Français: Posture de la Chaise / Italian: Posizione della Sedia

Chair Pose is a yoga posture known as Utkatasana. This pose is commonly used in yoga and fitness routines to build strength, endurance, and balance. It involves a squatting position that engages multiple muscle groups, particularly the legs, core, and back.

Deutsch: Kalziumaufnahme / Español: Absorción de calcio / Português: Absorção de cálcio / Français: Absorption de calcium / Italiano: Assorbimento di calcio

Calcium absorption is the process by which the body takes in and utilizes calcium from dietary sources. This mineral is crucial for many bodily functions, especially in the context of fitness, where it plays a vital role in bone health, muscle function, and overall physical performance.