Glossary V

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'VLCD', 'Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD)', 'VO2 Max'

Deutsch: Virabhadrasana III / Español: Virabhadrasana III / Português: Virabhadrasana III / Français: Virabhadrasana III / Italiano: Virabhadrasana III

Virabhadrasana III in fitness, also known as Warrior III Pose, is a challenging standing balance pose in yoga that strengthens the legs, core, and back while improving balance and concentration. This pose embodies the qualities of focus, strength, and stability, resembling a warrior's dynamic stance.

Deutsch: Virabhadrasana I / Español: Virabhadrasana I / Português: Virabhadrasana I / Français: Virabhadrasana I / Italiano: Virabhadrasana I

Virabhadrasana I in fitness, also known as Warrior I Pose, is a foundational standing yoga posture that strengthens the legs, opens the hips, and stretches the upper body. This pose is named after Virabhadra, a fierce warrior in Hindu mythology, symbolizing strength, focus, and courage.

Deutsch: Virabhadrasana II / Español: Virabhadrasana II / Português: Virabhadrasana II / Français: Virabhadrasana II / Italiano: Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II in fitness, also known as Warrior II Pose, is a fundamental standing yoga posture that strengthens the legs, opens the hips, and promotes balance and stability. It is named after Virabhadra, a mythical warrior in Hindu mythology, symbolizing strength and focus.

Virabhadrasana, commonly known as the Warrior Pose, is a series of powerful standing yoga poses that are integral to many yoga practices. These poses are named after Virabhadra, a mythical warrior figure created by the Hindu god Shiva, and are known for their strength, stability, and focus-enhancing qualities.

Vrksasana, commonly known as the Tree Pose, is a balancing posture in yoga that promotes stability, focus, and poise. It is named after the Sanskrit word vrksa, which means tree, reflecting the pose's imitation of the steady, rooted stance of a tree.

Deutsch: Vriksasana / Español: Vriksasana / Português: Vriksasana / Français: Vriksasana / Italiano: Vriksasana

Vriksasana, also known as the Tree Pose, is a standing yoga pose that emphasizes balance, focus, and a deep connection to breathing. It is commonly practiced in various styles of yoga and is renowned for its benefits in enhancing overall fitness and stability.

A Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) refers to a short-term Weight loss diet, VLCDs are commercially prepared formulas of 800 calories or less that replace all usual food intake.

Deutsch: Vodder Massage / Español: Masaje Vodder / Português: Massagem Vodder / Français: Massage Vodder / Italiano: Massaggio Vodder /

Vodder Massage refers to a manual lymph drainage massage technique. The lymphatic drainage massage therapy combines gentle pressure with soft pumping movements in the direction of the lymph nodes in the

Vertical-Banded Gastroplasty refers to the most frequently used restrictive operation for Weight control. During Vertical-Banded Operation, both a band and staples are used to create
VO2 Max is another name of Aerobic capacity or Maximal Oxygen Consumption. It is the maximum amount of oxygen a person can utilise per minute of work. It is often used to evaluate an