Glossary S

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Skin', 'Strength', 'Stretch'

Deutsch: Krafttraining / Español: Entrenamiento de fuerza / Português: Treinamento de força / Français: Entraînement de force / Italiano: Allenamento di forza

Strength training in the context of fitness refers to a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction, which builds the strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles. It is a key component of a balanced fitness program, contributing significantly to overall health and fitness.

Deutsch: Spinat / Español: Espinaca / Português: Espinafre / Français: Épinard / Italian: Spinaci

Spinacia oleracea, commonly known as spinach, is a leafy green vegetable that holds significant value in the fitness context due to its rich nutritional profile. Spinach is a versatile and nutrient-dense food that supports overall health, aids muscle function, and enhances athletic performance.

Deutsch: Fußball / Español: Fútbol / Português: Futebol / Français: Football / Italian: Calcio

Soccer (also known as football) is a globally popular sport that provides extensive fitness benefits. It involves continuous, dynamic movement, making it an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise that also enhances strength, agility, and coordination. In the fitness context, soccer serves as a comprehensive workout promoting overall physical health and teamwork skills.

Deutsch: Schädelglanzatmung / Español: Respiración del Cráneo Brillante / Português: Respiração Brilhante do Crânio / Français: Respiration du Crâne Brillant / Italian: Respirazione del Cranio Splendente

Skull Shining Breath (Kapalabhati) is a breathing technique used in yoga and fitness to invigorate the body and clear the mind. It involves forceful exhalations and passive inhalations, helping to cleanse the respiratory system, energize the body, and enhance mental clarity.

Deutsch: Brückenstellung / Español: Postura del Puente / Português: Postura da Ponte / Français: Posture du Pont / Italian: Posizione del Ponte

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) is a popular yoga posture that plays a significant role in the fitness context due to its numerous physical benefits. This pose involves lying on the back and lifting the hips towards the ceiling, creating a bridge-like shape with the body. It is effective for strengthening the back, glutes, and legs, while also improving flexibility and posture.

Deutsch: Nachhaltige Fitness / Español: Fitness Sostenible / Português: Aptidão Sustentável / Français: Fitness Durable / Italiano: Fitness Sostenibile

Sustainable Fitness in the fitness context refers to a holistic approach to physical activity and wellness that prioritizes long-term health, environmental consciousness, and balanced lifestyle practices. It emphasizes creating fitness routines and habits that are maintainable over time, environmentally friendly, and conducive to overall well-being.

Deutsch: Sport / Español: Deporte / Português: Esporte / Français: Sport / Italiano: Sport

Sports in the context of fitness encompasses a wide range of physical activities that enhance physical health and fitness levels. Engaging in sports involves exercise, which improves cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. Sports can be individual or team-based, competitive or recreational, and can vary in intensity and skill level.

Deutsch: Ergänzung / Español: Suplementación / Português: Suplementação / Français: Supplémentation / Italiano: Integrazione

Supplementation in fitness refers to the use of dietary supplements to enhance physical performance, improve recovery, and support overall health. These supplements can include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein powders, and other nutrients that might not be sufficiently obtained through diet alone.

Deutsch: Fettabbau an gezielten Körperstellen / Español: Reducción localizada de grasa / Português: Redução localizada de gordura / Français: Réduction ciblée de graisse / Italiano: Riduzione localizzata del grasso

Spot reduction is the idea that exercising specific muscles will result in fat loss in the targeted area. This concept is popular in the fitness community but is widely regarded as a myth by experts.

Deutsch: Spinat / Español: Espinaca / Português: Espinafre / Français: Épinard / Italiano: Spinaci

Spinach is a nutrient-dense leafy green vegetable widely recognized for its health benefits in the fitness context. It is often incorporated into diets to support overall health, muscle function, and recovery.