The Glossary for Fitness and Health
The Glossary for Fitness and Health informs you about all relevant things regarding your fitness and health.
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Deutsch: Erschöpfung / Español: Agotamiento / Português: Exaustão / Français: Épuisement / Italiano: Esaurimento
Exhaustion in the fitness context refers to a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue that occurs when the body’s energy reserves are depleted. It results from prolonged or intense physical activity without adequate rest or recovery, leading to reduced performance, impaired physical function, and, potentially, health risks.
Deutsch: Erregbarkeit / Español: Excitabilidad / Português: Excitabilidade / Français: Excitabilité / Italiano: Eccitabilità
Excitability in the fitness context refers to the ability of muscle fibers or nerves to respond to stimuli, typically through electrical or chemical signals. This physiological property is fundamental for muscle contraction and hence, is crucial for all types of physical activities and exercises.
Deutsch: Schaden / Español: Daño / Português: Dano / Français: Préjudice / Italiano: Danno
Harm in the fitness context refers to any physical, mental, or emotional damage that can result from improper exercise practices, overtraining, or unsafe fitness environments. It encompasses injuries, overuse conditions, and negative psychological effects associated with excessive or unbalanced training regimens.
Deutsch: Regulierung / Español: Regulación / Português: Regulação / Français: Réglementation / Italiano: Regolamentazione
Regulation in the fitness context refers to the rules, standards, and guidelines governing fitness practices, facilities, equipment, and professionals to ensure safety, effectiveness, and ethical conduct. These regulations help maintain quality and consistency across the fitness industry, protecting consumers and promoting healthy practices.