Glossary D
Glossary D
Deutsch: Hantel / Español: Mancuerna / Português: Haltere / Français: Haltère / Italiano: Manubrio
A dumbbell is a type of free weight commonly used in strength training and fitness routines. It consists of a short bar with weights attached at each end and is designed to be used with one hand. In the fitness context, dumbbells are essential tools for building muscle strength, enhancing stability, and improving overall fitness through various exercises.
Deutsch: Dynamisches Dehnen / Español: Estiramiento dinámico / Português: Alongamento dinâmico / Français: Étirement dynamique / Italiano: Stretching dinamico
Dynamic stretching in the fitness context refers to a type of stretching that involves moving parts of the body through a full range of motion to prepare the muscles and joints for physical activity. Unlike static stretching, which involves holding a stretch for a period, dynamic stretching incorporates movement, making it particularly effective as part of a warm-up routine before exercise or sports.
Deutsch: Dehydration / Español: Deshidratación / Português: Desidratação / Français: Déshydratation / Italiano: Disidratazione
Dehydration in the fitness context refers to the condition where the body loses more fluids than it takes in, leading to an imbalance that can impair physical performance and overall health. It is a critical concern for anyone engaging in physical activity, as exercise increases fluid loss through sweat and respiration.
Deutsch: Deltamuskel / Español: Deltoides / Português: Deltóide / Français: Deltoïde / Italiano: Deltoide
Deltoid is a large, triangular muscle located on the uppermost part of the arm and the top of the shoulder. This muscle is crucial for the movement and stabilization of the shoulder joint.
Deutsch: Docosahexaensäure / Español: Ácido docosahexaenoico / Português: Ácido docosahexaenoico / Français: Acide docosahexaénoïque / Italiano: Acido docosaesaenoico
Docosahexaenoic acid in the fitness context is a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid that plays a crucial role in overall health, particularly in brain function, eye health, and reducing inflammation. It is commonly referred to as DHA.
Deutsch: Zwerchfellatmung / Español: Respiración diafragmática / Português: Respiração diafragmática / Français: Respiration diaphragmatique / Italiano: Respirazione diaframmatica
Diaphragmatic breathing in the fitness context is a technique that involves deep breathing using the diaphragm muscle rather than the chest. This type of breathing is also known as abdominal or belly breathing.
Deutsch: Drainage / Español: Drenaje / Português: Drenagem / Français: Drainage / Italiano: Drenaggio
Drainage in the fitness context often refers to the process of removing excess body fluids, toxins, and other substances from the body, typically through natural or therapeutic methods. This concept is commonly associated with recovery and rehabilitation techniques that aim to reduce swelling, enhance recovery, and improve overall athletic performance.
Deutsch: Diarthrose / Español: Diartrosis / Português: Diartrose / Français: Diarthrose / Italiano: Diartrosi
Diarthrosis in the fitness context refers to a type of joint, also known as a synovial joint, which is characterized by its high degree of mobility. Diarthrosis joints are pivotal in the field of fitness because they enable a wide range of movements essential for various physical activities and exercises.
Deutsch: Diarthrodialgelenk / Español: Articulación Diartrodial / Português: Articulação Diartrodial / Français: Articulation Diarthrodiale / Italiano: Articolazione Diartrodiale
Diarthrodial Joint in the fitness context refers to a type of joint that is also known as a synovial joint. These joints are characterized by their high range of motion and are the most common and most movable type of joint found in the human body. In fitness and exercise, diarthrodial joints play a crucial role because they are involved in almost all major movements and activities.
Deutsch: Droge / Español: Droga / Português: Droga / Français: Drogue / Italiano: Droghe /
In the fitness context, the term "drug" typically refers to performance-enhancing substances or substances that are commonly associated with drug abuse. It's important to note that the use of drugs for performance enhancement is illegal and unethical in most sports and fitness activities. The following information is provided for educational purposes only and does not endorse or promote the use of drugs in fitness.
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