Glossary B

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Deutsch: Bhujangasana / Español: Bhujangasana / Português: Bhujangasana / Français: Bhujangasana / Italian: Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is a yoga pose known in English as Cobra Pose. This asana is commonly used in yoga and fitness routines to improve spinal flexibility, strengthen the back muscles, and open the chest. It involves lying on the stomach and lifting the upper body while keeping the pelvis grounded.

Deutsch: Bhastrika-Atmung / Español: Respiración de fuelle / Português: Respiração de fole / Français: Respiration de soufflet / Italian: Respirazione a mantice

Bellows breath is a vigorous pranayama (breathing) technique known as Bhastrika in yoga. It is used in the fitness context to increase energy levels, enhance oxygenation, and stimulate the body's metabolism. This breath involves forceful inhalations and exhalations, mimicking the action of a bellows used to stoke a fire.

Deutsch: Bauchfett / Español: Grasa abdominal / Português: Gordura abdominal / Français: Graisse abdominale / Italiano: Grasso addominale

Belly fat refers to the accumulation of excess fat around the abdominal area. This type of fat is particularly concerning in the fitness and health context because it is linked to various health issues.

Deutsch: Burnout / Español: Agotamiento / Português: Esgotamento / Français: Épuisement / Italiano: Esaurimento

Burnout in the fitness context refers to a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged and intense exercise or training without adequate rest and recovery. It is characterized by a decline in performance, motivation, and overall well-being.

Deutsch: Rückentasche / Español: Bolsillo trasero / Português: Bolsa traseira / Français: Poche arrière / Italiano: Tasca posteriore

Back pouch in fitness refers to a small pocket or compartment usually found on athletic clothing, such as running shirts, cycling jerseys, or fitness belts. It is designed to hold essential items like keys, phones, energy gels, or identification cards during workouts or athletic activities.

Deutsch: Bizeps / Español: Bíceps / Português: Bíceps / Français: Biceps / Italiano: Bicipite

Bicep in the fitness context is a muscle located on the front part of the upper arm. It is known for its two-headed structure that extends from the shoulder to the elbow. The bicep is primarily responsible for the flexion of the elbow and the supination of the forearm, making it a key muscle for many upper body movements.

Deutsch: Körperbewusstsein / Español: Conciencia corporal / Português: Consciência corporal / Français: Conscience corporelle / Italiano: Consapevolezza del corpo

Body awareness in the fitness context refers to an individual's ability to recognize and understand the position, movement, and function of their body parts in space. This includes the awareness of muscle engagement, joint alignment, balance, and coordination. Developing body awareness helps improve performance, prevent injuries, and enhance the mind-body connection.

Deutsch: Baustein / Español: Bloque de construcción / Português: Bloco de construção / Français: Bloc de construction / Italiano: Mattoncino

Building block in the fitness context refers to fundamental components or elements that are essential for constructing a successful fitness program or routine. These can include exercises, nutrition plans, rest, recovery strategies, and mental conditioning. Understanding these building blocks helps individuals create a balanced and effective approach to achieving their fitness goals.

Deutsch: Bauchtasche / Español: bolsa abdominal / Português: bolsa de barriga / Français: poche abdominale / Italiano: tasca addominale

Belly pouch in the fitness context commonly refers to the accumulation of excess fat around the midsection of the body, also known colloquially as the "belly fat" or "lower belly bulge." This area can be particularly challenging to tone and reduce through diet and exercise.

Deutsch: Balasana / Español: balasana / Português: balasana / Français: balasana / Italiano: balasana

Balasana, commonly known as the Child's Pose, is a resting yoga pose that is often used to relax the body and mind between more challenging poses or to conclude a yoga session. It's one of the most basic and widely practiced poses in yoga, known for its therapeutic and calming benefits.