Glossary W

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Weight', 'Water', 'Walking Lunge'

Deutsch: Krieger III / Español: Guerrero III / Português: Guerreiro III / Français: Guerrier III / Italian: Guerriero III

Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III) is a challenging and dynamic yoga posture that offers significant benefits in the fitness context. This pose focuses on enhancing balance, strength, and stability while engaging multiple muscle groups. It is a powerful pose that promotes concentration and body awareness.

Deutsch: Krieger II / Español: Guerrero II / Português: Guerreiro II / Français: Guerrier II / Italian: Guerriero II

Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II) is a fundamental yoga posture that offers significant benefits in the fitness context. This pose strengthens the legs, opens the hips, and improves balance and stability. It is frequently used in yoga sequences to enhance overall body awareness, endurance, and focus.

Deutsch: Krieger I / Español: Guerrero I / Português: Guerreiro I / Français: Guerrier I / Italian: Guerriero I

Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I) is a foundational yoga posture that provides numerous benefits in the fitness context. This pose strengthens the legs, opens the hips and chest, and improves balance and stability. It is commonly used in yoga sequences for its comprehensive engagement of multiple muscle groups and its ability to enhance both physical and mental focus.

In the fitness context, weightlifting refers to a form of physical exercise that involves lifting weights for the purpose of increasing muscle strength, endurance, and size. Weightlifting can be divided into various categories based on the type of weights used, the exercises performed, and the goals of the training.

Deutsch: Krieger III / Español: Guerrero III / Português: Guerreiro III / Français: Guerrier III / Italiano: Guerriero III

Warrior III is a yoga pose known for its balance, strength, and concentration requirements. This pose, part of the Warrior sequence in yoga, is called "Virabhadrasana III" in Sanskrit.

Deutsch: Trainingseinheit / Español: Entrenamiento / Português: Treino / Français: Entraînement / Italiano: Allenamento

Workout refers to a session of physical exercise or training designed to improve fitness, strength, endurance, or overall health. This term encompasses various types of exercise routines, including cardiovascular exercises, strength training, flexibility exercises, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Deutsch: Krieger II / Español: Guerrero II / Português: Guerreiro II / Français: Guerrier II / Italiano: Guerriero II

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) in the fitness context is a foundational standing yoga pose that strengthens the legs, opens the hips, and enhances endurance and stability. This pose is commonly included in yoga sequences for its physical and mental benefits.

Deutsch: Krieger I / Español: Guerrero I / Português: Guerreiro I / Français: Guerrier I / Italiano: Guerriero I

Warrior I is a foundational yoga pose known for its strength-building, grounding, and stretching benefits. This pose, part of the Warrior sequence in yoga, is referred to as "Virabhadrasana I" in Sanskrit.

Deutsch: Schlafbeere / Español: Ashwagandha / Português: Ashwagandha / Français: Ashwagandha / Italiano: Ashwagandha

Withania somnifera, commonly known as ashwagandha, is an herb widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is renowned for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body manage stress and improve overall vitality.

The walking lunge is a dynamic strength training exercise that enhances lower body conditioning, balance, and coordination. It is an advanced variation of the traditional stationary lunge, involving forward movement that simulates walking, hence the name.