Glossary F
Glossary F
Deutsch: Fußball / Español: Fútbol / Português: Futebol / Français: Football / Italiano: Calcio
Football in the fitness context refers to the physical activity and exercise benefits associated with playing the sport. It involves running, sprinting, and various movements that enhance cardiovascular fitness, strength, agility, and coordination. As a team sport, football also promotes social interaction and teamwork, contributing to overall well-being.
Deutsch: Fisch / Español: Pez / Português: Peixe / Français: Poisson / Italiano: Pesce
Fish in the fitness context refers to the consumption of fish as a part of a balanced diet aimed at improving health and physical performance. Fish is a high-protein, low-fat food that provides essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, making it a valuable component of nutrition plans for those focused on fitness and overall well-being.
Deutsch: Flexibilitätstraining / Español: Entrenamiento de flexibilidad / Português: Treinamento de flexibilidade / Français: Entraînement de flexibilité / Italiano: Allenamento della flessibilità
Flexibility training is a type of physical activity that focuses on improving the range of motion of muscles and joints. It involves exercises designed to lengthen muscles and enhance muscle elasticity, which can improve overall movement efficiency and reduce the risk of injuries. Flexibility training is an essential component of a well-rounded fitness program.
Deutsch: Funktionelles Training / Español: Entrenamiento funcional / Português: Treinamento funcional / Français: Entraînement fonctionnel / Italiano: Allenamento funzionale
Functional training is a form of exercise that focuses on training the body for activities performed in daily life. It involves exercises that mimic the movements we perform in our daily routines, helping to improve balance, coordination, strength, and endurance. Functional training aims to enhance the performance of everyday tasks and is beneficial for individuals of all fitness levels.
Deutsch: Müdigkeitsregulation / Español: Regulación de la Fatiga / Português: Regulação da Fadiga / Français: Régulation de la Fatigue / Italiano: Regolazione della Fatica
Fatigue regulation in the context of fitness refers to the strategies and mechanisms used to manage and mitigate physical and mental fatigue during and after exercise. It involves understanding the causes of fatigue, implementing practices to prevent excessive tiredness, and adopting recovery techniques to enhance performance and overall well-being.
Deutsch: Flacher Bauch / Español: Estómago plano / Português: Estômago liso / Français: Ventre plat / Italiano: Pancia piatta
A flat stomach in the fitness context refers to the physical condition where the abdominal area is well-toned and lacks excess fat. This is often seen as a sign of fitness and health and is a common goal for many people engaging in physical activities.
Deutsch: Wohlfühlen / Español: Sentirse bien / Português: Sentir-se bem / Français: Bien-être / Italiano: Sentirsi bene
Feel-good in the fitness context refers to a state of enhanced well-being that results from physical activity. This encompasses both the immediate psychological benefits, such as improved mood and reduced stress, as well as long-term improvements in overall physical health.
Deutsch: Beugung / Español: Flexión / Português: Flexão / Français: Flexion / Italiano: Flessione
Flexion in the fitness context refers to a movement that decreases the angle between two body parts. It is a fundamental type of joint movement that occurs in many exercises and everyday activities, crucial for enhancing flexibility, building muscle, and improving overall physical performance.
Deutsch: Kraft / Español: Fuerza / Português: Força / Français: Force / Italiano: Forza
In the fitness context, force refers to the physical power or strength exerted by muscles against resistance. It plays a fundamental role in various aspects of fitness training, including resistance training, weightlifting, and bodyweight exercises. The application of force during exercise stimulates muscle growth, enhances strength, and improves overall physical performance. Understanding and effectively utilizing force is essential for achieving fitness goals and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.
Deutsch: Nahrung / Español: Comida / Português: Comida / Français: Nourriture / Italiano: Cibo /
In the fitness context, 'food' plays a crucial role in supporting physical performance, muscle growth, recovery, and overall health. Proper nutrition is essential for fueling the body, providing the necessary nutrients, and optimizing athletic performance.
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