Glossary O

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++< Popular Articles: 'Oxygen', 'Overtraining', 'Orlistat'

Deutsch: Beginn / Español: Inicio / Português: Início / Français: Début / Italiano: Inizio

Onset in the fitness context refers to the point at which a particular process or effect begins, typically related to exercise performance, muscle fatigue, or the activation of certain physiological responses. It often describes when the body starts to experience fatigue, soreness, or a specific response to a workout, such as the onset of muscle soreness after exercise (delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS).

Deutsch: Überkonsum / Español: Sobrecosumo / Português: Consumo excessivo / Français: Surconsommation / Italiano: Sovraconsumo

Overconsumption in the fitness context refers to the excessive intake of food, calories, or supplements beyond what the body requires for energy and recovery, leading to negative effects on health and fitness goals. Overeating or overusing supplements can hinder physical performance, cause weight gain, and lead to health issues like obesity, nutrient imbalances, or digestive problems.

Deutsch: Überanstrengung / Español: Sobreesfuerzo / Português: Sobrecarga / Français: Surmenage / Italiano: Sovraffaticamento

Overexertion in the fitness context refers to pushing the body beyond its physical limits during exercise, leading to excessive strain on muscles, joints, or the cardiovascular system. It often results in fatigue, injury, or other negative health effects and occurs when someone exercises too intensely, for too long, or without adequate rest and recovery.

Deutsch: Übertraining / Español: Sobreentrenamiento / Português: Overtraining / Français: Surentraînement / Italiano: Sovrallenamento

Overtraining in the context of fitness refers to a condition where an individual experiences a decline in performance and overall health due to excessive physical training without adequate rest and recovery. It results from a prolonged imbalance between intense physical activity and insufficient recovery time, leading to physical, emotional, and psychological fatigue.

Deutsch: Sauerstoffversorgung / Español: Entrega de oxígeno / Português: Entrega de oxigênio / Français: Livraison d'oxygène / Italiano: Consegna di ossigeno

Oxygen delivery in the fitness context refers to the process by which oxygen is transported from the lungs to the tissues and muscles throughout the body. This process is crucial for aerobic metabolism, energy production, and overall physical performance, especially during exercise.

Deutsch: Sauerstoff / Español: Oxígeno / Português: Oxigênio / Français: Oxygène / Italiano: Ossigeno

Oxygen in the fitness context refers to the essential element that plays a crucial role in the body's energy production processes, particularly during physical activity. It is vital for converting nutrients into usable energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) through the process of cellular respiration.

Orlistat refers to a commonly prescribed Fat absorption medication, it is sold under the brand name Xenical.

Obesity is an excess proportion of total obesity is the body mass index (BMI).
Overweight refers to the the condition of weighing more than is normal or healthy for one's age or build.