Glossary M

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++< Popular Articles: 'Movement', 'Muscle', 'Muscular Strength'

Deutsch: Muskelnomenklatur / Español: Nomenclatura Muscular / Português: Nomenclatura Muscular / Français: Nomenclature Musculaire / Italiano: Nomenclatura Muscolare

Muscle Nomenclature in the fitness context refers to the system of naming muscles based on various criteria such as their location, function, shape, size, and the number of origins they have. Understanding muscle nomenclature is essential for fitness professionals and enthusiasts alike as it helps in identifying and discussing different muscles and their roles in various exercises and movements.

Muscles or muscle groups that can be improved by fitness exercises:

Deutsch: Muskeltonus / Español: Tono Muscular / Português: Tônus Muscular / Français: Tonification Musculaire / Italiano: Tono Muscolare /

Muscle Tone refers to a condition in which muscle appears firm and is in a constant yet slight state of contraction.

Muscle Spasm refers to a sudden, involuntary contraction of muscle or muscle group.

Deutsch: Marathon / Español: Maratón / Português: Maratona / Français: Marathon / Italiano: Maratona /

Marathon refers to a foot race covering 42,2 km (26.2 miles).

Mortality is defined as the rate of death.

Deutsch: Einfach ungesättigte Fettsäure / Español: Grasa monoinsaturada / Português: Gordura monoinsaturada / Français: Graisse monoinsaturée / Italiano: Grassi monoinsaturi /

Monounsaturated fat refers to a type of fat found in large amounts in foods from plants, including olive, peanut and canola oil.

Deutsch: Stoffwechsel / Español: Metabolismo / Português: Metabolismo / Français: Métabolisme / Italiano: Metabolismo /

Metabolism refers to the amount of energy (calories your Metabolism is the process in which nutrients are acquired, transported, used and disposed of by the body.

Deutsch: Meditation / Español: Meditación / Português: Meditação / Français: Méditation / Italiano: Meditazione

Meditation in the fitness context refers to a practice that involves focused attention and mental exercises to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. It is a contemplative technique that has gained popularity as a complementary tool in fitness and health routines. Meditation involves various methods and approaches, all aimed at cultivating mindfulness and inner peace while contributing to physical and mental fitness.

Deutsch: Masse / Español: Masa / Português: Massa / Français: Masse / Italiano: Massa

Mass in the fitness context refers to the amount of body weight or muscle tissue that an individual carries. It is a fundamental concept in the realm of fitness and plays a significant role in various aspects of physical health, exercise, and sports performance. This article explores the meaning of mass in fitness, its application areas, notable examples, potential risks, and provides sentences demonstrating its usage in different grammatical forms.