Glossary T
Glossary T
The Fitness and Health Glossary +++< Popular Articles: 'Training', 'Treatment', 'Therapy'
Deutsch: Übergang / Español: Transición / Português: Transição / Français: Transition / Italiano: Transizione
Transition in the fitness context refers to the shift between different movements, exercises, or workout phases. Smooth transitions are essential for maintaining workout flow, preventing injuries, and optimising performance. Whether moving from one exercise to another in circuit training, shifting between workout intensities, or transitioning from warm-up to high-intensity training, the way these changes are managed affects overall efficiency and effectiveness.
Deutsch: Trapezmuskel / Español: Trapecio / Português: Trapézio / Français: Trapèze / Italiano: Trapezio
Trapezius (often called "traps") is a large, triangular-shaped muscle that extends from the base of the skull down to the middle of the back and across the shoulders. It plays a crucial role in shoulder movement, posture, and upper body stability. Strengthening the trapezius is essential for improving athletic performance, preventing injuries, and supporting movements in daily activities.
Deutsch: Toxizität / Español: Toxicidad / Português: Toxicidade / Français: Toxicité / Italiano: Tossicità
Toxicity in the fitness context refers to the harmful effects that certain substances, practices, or environments can have on the body and overall fitness goals. This can include the toxic impact of chemicals, supplements, excessive exercise, or even negative behavioural and psychological patterns in the fitness community.
Deutsch: Toleranz / Español: Tolerancia / Português: Tolerância / Français: Tolérance / Italiano: Tolleranza
Tolerance in the fitness context refers to the body’s ability to endure or adapt to physical stress, intensity, or specific conditions during exercise or training. It encompasses both physical and mental capacities to withstand discomfort, Fatigue, or repetitive activities, which are critical for progression in fitness and athletic Performance.
Deutsch: Müdigkeit / Español: Cansancio / Português: Cansaço / Français: Fatigue / Italiano: Stanchezza
Tiredness in the fitness context refers to the physical or mental state of fatigue that occurs due to physical Exertion, insufficient recovery, or other factors such as poor nutrition or inadequate sleep. It is a common experience during or after exercise and can range from mild discomfort to complete exhaustion.
Deutsch: Sehnenentzündung / Español: Tendinitis / Português: Tendinite / Français: Tendinite / Italiano: Tendinite
Tendonitis in the fitness context refers to the inflammation or irritation of a tendon, which is the thick, fibrous cord that attaches muscle to bone. It is often caused by repetitive motion or overuse during physical activity and can lead to pain, swelling, and impaired movement in the affected area.
Deutsch: Timing / Español: Temporización / Português: Temporização / Français: Synchronisation / Italiano: Tempistica
Timing in the fitness context refers to the strategic scheduling and pacing of exercises, rest periods, and workouts to optimise performance, recovery, and results. It encompasses aspects such as workout timing, rest intervals, tempo during exercises, and meal timing in relation to workouts.
Deutsch: Thunfisch / Español: Atún / Português: Atum / Français: Thon / Italian: Tonno
Tuna is a popular fish known for its high protein content, low fat, and rich nutrient profile, making it a staple in many fitness and health-focused diets. In the fitness context, tuna is valued for its ability to support muscle growth, aid in recovery, and provide essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. It is often consumed by athletes and fitness enthusiasts as a convenient, versatile, and nutritious food option.
Deutsch: Trizeps / Español: Tríceps / Português: Tríceps / Français: Triceps / Italiano: Tricipiti
Triceps in the fitness context refers to the triceps brachii muscle, a large muscle located on the back of the upper arm. It is primarily responsible for extending the elbow, which is the motion that straightens the arm. Strengthening the triceps is important for arm definition, upper body strength, and performing various pushing movements in fitness and daily activities.
Deutsch: Rumpfmuskulatur / Español: Músculo del tronco / Português: Músculo do tronco / Français: Muscle du tronc / Italiano: Muscolo del tronco
In the fitness context, the trunk muscle refers to the group of muscles located in the torso, which includes the core muscles. These muscles provide stability and support to the spine, help with balance, and play a critical role in almost all body movements. The trunk muscles include the abdominal muscles, lower back muscles, and muscles around the pelvis, all of which are essential for posture, strength, and preventing injury.