Glossary P
Glossary P
Deutsch: Kraftdreikampf / Español: Levantamiento de potencia / Português: Powerlifting / Français: Force athlétique / Italian: Powerlifting
Powerlifting in the fitness context is a strength sport that focuses on maximising the amount of weight lifted in three specific exercises: the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Unlike other forms of weightlifting that emphasise speed or explosive movements, powerlifting prioritises maximal strength and technical proficiency in lifting the heaviest weights possible. It is both a competitive sport and a popular training method for building overall strength, enhancing muscle mass, and improving functional fitness.
Deutsch: Probiotika / Español: Probióticos / Português: Probióticos / Français: Probiotiques / Italian: Probiotici
Probiotics in the fitness context refer to live microorganisms, primarily beneficial bacteria and yeasts, that support gut health and overall well-being. They are commonly found in supplements and fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha. In fitness, probiotics are valued for their potential to improve digestion, boost immune function, enhance nutrient absorption, and reduce inflammation, all of which can contribute to better performance, recovery, and overall health.
Deutsch: Körperkraft / Español: Fuerza física / Português: Força física / Français: Force physique / Italiano: Forza fisica
Physical strength refers to the ability of muscles to exert force against resistance. In the fitness context, it is a key component of overall fitness and involves the capacity to perform tasks that require lifting, pushing, pulling, or holding objects, typically measured by the maximum amount of weight an individual can move in a single effort.
Deutsch: Langzeitausdauertraining / Español: Ejercicio prolongado / Português: Exercício prolongado / Français: Exercice prolongé / Italiano: Esercizio prolungato
Prolonged exercise in the fitness context refers to physical activities that are sustained over an extended period, typically lasting longer than 30 minutes. These exercises are often aerobic in nature and are designed to improve endurance, cardiovascular health, and overall stamina. Examples include activities like long-distance running, cycling, swimming, and hiking.
Deutsch: Körperliche Fitness / Español: Acondicionamiento físico / Português: Aptidão Física / Français: Condition physique / Italiano: Fitness fisica /
In the fitness context, physical fitness refers to a state of health and well-being that is achieved through regular physical activity, proper nutrition, and adequate rest. It encompasses several components that contribute to the body's ability to perform daily activities with vigor and without undue fatigue.
Deutsch: Propriozeptive neuromuskuläre Fazilitation / Español: Facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva / Português: Facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva / Français: Facilitation neuromusculaire proprioceptive / Italian: Facilitazione neuromuscolare propriocettiva
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a stretching technique used in the fitness context to enhance both flexibility and strength. It involves a combination of passive stretching and isometric contractions, typically performed with a partner. PNF is highly effective for improving range of motion and muscle performance.
Deutsch: Körperliche Aktivität / Español: Actividad física / Português: Atividade física / Français: Activité physique / Italiano: Attività fisica
Physical activity in the context of fitness refers to any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. This includes activities ranging from simple daily movements to structured exercise routines aimed at improving physical health and fitness. Physical activity is essential for maintaining overall health, preventing chronic diseases, and enhancing quality of life.
Deutsch: Sportunterricht / Español: Educación Física / Português: Educação Física / Français: Éducation Physique / Italiano: Educazione Fisica
Physical Education in the fitness context refers to a structured program of physical activities and exercises designed to develop physical fitness, motor skills, knowledge about physical activity, and positive attitudes towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is typically part of the curriculum in schools and educational institutions.
Deutsch: Physiologie / Español: Fisiología / Português: Fisiologia / Français: Physiologie / Italiano: Fisiologia
Physiology in the fitness context refers to the study of how the body functions during physical activity. It encompasses the understanding of various bodily systems such as the muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems, and how they adapt and respond to exercise and training.
Deutsch: Pranayama / Español: Pranayama / Português: Pranayama / Français: Pranayama / Italiano: Pranayama
Pranayama is a practice within the discipline of yoga that involves breath control and is used to enhance physical and mental well-being. This technique focuses on the rhythms and modes of breathing to influence the body’s overall health and energy flow.