Glossary E

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Exercise', 'Energy', 'Endurance'

Deutsch: Engagement / Español: Compromiso / Português: Engajamento / Français: Engagement / Italian: Impegno

Engagement in the fitness context refers to the active participation, involvement, and commitment of individuals in their fitness routines, exercises, or overall health and wellness journey. It encompasses both the mental and physical aspects of staying motivated, focused, and consistently involved in fitness activities. Engagement is crucial for achieving long-term fitness goals, maintaining motivation, and deriving enjoyment and satisfaction from physical activity.

Deutsch: Ephedra / Español: Efedra / Português: Efedra / Français: Éphédra / Italian: Efedra

Ephedra is a natural herb commonly used in the fitness and weight loss industry. It contains ephedrine, a compound that stimulates the central nervous system, increasing heart rate and metabolism. In fitness, it is often used to enhance physical performance, boost energy levels, and promote fat loss.

Deutsch: Erythropoetin / Español: Eritropoyetina / Português: Eritropoietina / Français: Érythropoïétine / Italian: Eritropoietina

Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone produced primarily by the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the bone marrow. In the fitness context, EPO is known for its role in enhancing athletic performance, particularly in endurance sports, by increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

Deutsch: Übermäßige Ergänzungsmittel / Español: Suplementación Excesiva / Português: Suplementação Excessiva / Français: Supplémentation Excessive / Italiano: Supplementazione Eccessiva

Excessive supplementation in the context of fitness refers to the overconsumption of dietary supplements beyond the recommended levels in an attempt to enhance physical performance, muscle growth, or overall health. While supplements can be beneficial when used correctly, overuse can lead to adverse health effects and negate the intended benefits.

Deutsch: Energiestoffwechsel / Español: Metabolismo Energético / Português: Metabolismo Energético / Français: Métabolisme Énergétique / Italiano: Metabolismo Energetico

Energy metabolism in the context of fitness refers to the processes by which the body converts food and stored nutrients into energy to fuel physical activity, bodily functions, and cellular processes. This involves a series of biochemical reactions that transform carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of cells.

Deutsch: Trainingsroutine / Español: Rutina de ejercicio / Português: Rotina de exercícios / Français: Routine d'exercice / Italiano: Routine di esercizi

Exercise routine in the context of fitness refers to a structured plan of physical activities designed to improve overall health, fitness levels, and specific physical abilities. It typically includes a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and overall endurance, tailored to an individual's fitness goals.

Deutsch: Effleurage / Español: Effleurage / Português: Effleurage / Français: Effleurage / Italiano: Effleurage

Effleurage is a massage technique involving long, gliding strokes typically used to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for deeper massage work. It is a foundational method in various forms of massage therapy, particularly Swedish massage.

Deutsch: Eicosapentaensäure / Español: Ácido eicosapentaenoico / Português: Ácido eicosapentaenoico / Français: Acide eicosapentaénoïque / Italiano: Acido eicosapentaenoico

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in the fitness context is an omega-3 fatty acid known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its role in promoting cardiovascular health, enhancing athletic performance, and supporting overall well-being. It is commonly found in fish oil supplements and certain types of seafood.

Deutsch: Adlerhaltung / Español: Postura del Águila / Português: Postura da Águia / Français: Posture de l'Aigle / Italiano: Posizione dell'Aquila

Eagle Pose (Garudasana) in the fitness context is a balancing yoga posture that involves wrapping one arm and one leg over the other while standing. This pose is known for improving balance, flexibility, and concentration, while also strengthening the legs, ankles, and shoulders.

Deutsch: Erregbarkeit / Español: Excitabilidad / Português: Excitabilidade / Français: Excitabilité / Italiano: Eccitabilità

Excitability in the fitness context refers to the ability of muscle fibers or nerves to respond to stimuli, typically through electrical or chemical signals. This physiological property is fundamental for muscle contraction and hence, is crucial for all types of physical activities and exercises.