Deutsch: Ausfallschritt / Español: Zancada / Português: Avanço / Français: Fente / Italiano: Affondo

Lunge in the fitness context refers to a popular strength-training exercise primarily aimed at developing the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, but also engaging the core and other support muscles. It is a fundamental movement in many fitness routines, valued for its effectiveness in improving balance, coordination, and flexibility.


A lunge involves stepping one leg forward and lowering the hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. The back knee should hover just above the ground, with the front knee positioned directly over the ankle and the back heel lifted. Lunges can be performed in various modifications and complexities, including side lunges, walking lunges, and reverse lunges, to target different muscle groups and meet various fitness levels and goals.

Application Areas

Lunges are versatile exercises used across multiple areas:

  • Strength Training: Enhances muscular strength and endurance in the legs and hips.
  • Rehabilitation: Used in physical therapy settings to help restore strength and mobility in the lower body.
  • Athletic Training: Improves sports-related abilities, such as agility, balance, and muscular coordination.
  • General Fitness: An accessible exercise for improving overall fitness and stability, suitable for all fitness levels.

Well-Known Examples

  • Static Lunge: The basic lunge position held for several seconds to deepen the muscle engagement.
  • Dynamic Lunge (Walking Lunge): Involving movement across a distance, adding a cardiovascular component to the strength exercise.
  • Twisting Lunge: Adding a twist to the torso during the lunge to engage the abdominal and oblique muscles.

Treatment and Risks

While lunges are beneficial, they must be performed correctly to avoid injury:

  • Proper Form: Keeping the front knee aligned over the ankle and not letting it jut forward past the toes to prevent joint stress.
  • Gradual Progression: Beginners should start with basic lunges without added weight and gradually introduce variations and weights as their strength and technique improve.
  • Core Engagement: Maintaining a tight core throughout the exercise helps stabilize the body and protects the spine.
  • Flexibility Requirements: Adequate hip and thigh flexibility is necessary to perform lunges correctly, so individuals may need to work on their flexibility with other exercises and stretches.

Similar Terms

  • Squat: Another fundamental leg exercise focusing on the hips, thighs, and buttocks, but involving both legs simultaneously lowering the body.
  • Step-Up: Involves stepping onto a raised platform or bench, similar to lunging movements but with less knee flexion.


Articles with 'Lunge' in the title

  • Walking Lunge: Walking Lunge: The walking lunge is a dynamic strength training exercise that enhances lower body conditioning, balance, and coordination. It is an advanced variation of the traditional stationary lunge, involving forward movement that simu . . .
  • Low Lunge Pose: Low Lunge Pose is a fundamental yoga posture known as Anjaneyasana. This pose is commonly used in yoga and fitness routines to improve flexibility, strengthen the lower body, and enhance balance and coordination


In the fitness context, a lunge is a highly effective exercise for strengthening and toning the lower body, improving flexibility, and enhancing balance and coordination. Available in various forms, lunges can be adapted for different fitness levels and objectives, making them a staple in both general fitness regimes and specialized athletic training programs.


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