Glossary A

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Aerobic exercise', 'Activity', 'Adduction'

Aloe Vera is another name for Aloe.

Deutsch: Achse / Español: Axis - Axis / Português: Axis - Axis / Français: Axis - Axis
In the fitness context, an axis refers to an imaginary line around which a movement or exercise is performed. Understanding the concept of an axis is important for proper execution of exercises, as it allows the body to move in a safe and effective way.

All Natural is a term used in the gym for athletes who have not used any anabolic steriods for a particular period of time.

Appetite Suppressants refer to medications that act upon the brain, "tricking" it into believing that it is not hungry or that it's full.

Aloe is referring to an herbal product that is derived from the aloe plant. Aloe it is often added to herbal Weight loss products. However,

Anaerobic Threshold refers to the point at which the muscles of the body start to work without oxygen, from an aerobic level.

Abductors refer to the muscles of the hip that pull the legs apart. Gluteus medius and minimus pull the legs outward or out away from the center.

Accommodating Resistance refers to the increase in resistance through the range of motion. Nautilus machines are designed to provide accommodating resistance.

Strength training equipment where the machine varies amount of weight being lifted to match strength curve for a particular exercise -

Acceleration refers mostly to the rate of change in velocity. In the context of fitness it also means: