Glossary A

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Aerobic exercise', 'Activity', 'Adduction'
: ADP (Adenosine Diphospahate)
ADP is formed when ATP is broken down within the bodies cell furnace, (the mitochondria). This provides energy for muscular contraction.


Deutsch: Agonistisch / Español: Agonista / Português: Agonista / Français: Agoniste / Italiano: Agonista /

Agonist refers to a muscle directly engaged in contraction that is primarily responsible for movement of a Read more ... Add new comment
All-or-None is a fitness term that refers to a muscle fibre contracts fully or it does not contract at all.

Deutsch: Appendikuläres Skelett / Español: Esqueleto Apendicular / Português: Esqueleto Apendicular / Français: Squelette Appendiculaire / Italiano: Scheletro Appendicolare

Appendicular Skeleton in the fitness context refers to the part of the skeleton that includes the bones of the upper and lower limbs and the skeletal structures that anchor the limbs to the axial skeleton (such as the pelvic girdle and shoulder girdle). This division of the skeleton is crucial for facilitating movement and supporting physical activity, playing a key role in all forms of exercise from walking to weightlifting.

Abductor Muscles refer to the group of muscles found in the hip that work to pull the legs outwards and apart.

Acceptable Daily Intake which is abbreviated ADI refers to the amount of chemicals, whether a drug or additive (in food or drinking water) which if ingested daily over a lifetime would not produce any appreciable health risk.

Acclimatisation refers to the process of physiologically adapting or becoming accustomed to an unfamiliar environment, for example, the body can adjust to a hot or cold climate or a high altitude and increase its capacity to work in those conditions.

Acquired Ageing is the acquisition of characteristics commonly associated with ageing but that are, in fact, caused by sedentary living or immobility, example is lack of exercise.
Acute refers to a process or event that has a rapid onset and/or a short duration.