Glossary A

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Aerobic exercise', 'Activity', 'Adduction'
Amplitude refers to range of muscle fiber length between maximal and minimal lengthening.
Anatomical Position refers to the position of reference in which the subject is in the standing position, with feet together and palms of hands facing forward.
Angle of Pull refers to the angle between the muscle insertion and the bone on which it inserts.
Angular Displacement refers to the change in location of a rotating Read more ... Add new comment
Angular Motion refers to the motion involving rotation around an axis.
Antagonist refers to a muscle or muscle group that counteracts or opposes the contraction of another muscle or muscle group.
Anteroposterior Axis refers to the axis that has the same directional orientation as the sagittal plane of motion and runs from front to back at a right angle to the frontal plane of
Arthrodial Joints refer to the joints in which bones glide on each other in limited movement, as in the bones of the wrist (carpal) or the bones of the foot (tarsal).
Aponeurosis refers to one type of dense connective tissue that is characterized by a sheet-like fibrous membrane and bind muscles together or to connect muscle to bone.
Arthrokinematic movement refers to the movement occurring between joint surfaces.