Deutsch: Aerobe Übung / Español: Ejercicio aeróbico / Português: Exercício aeróbico / Français: Exercice aérobie / Italiano: Esercizio aerobico /

Aerobic exercise refers to any sustained rhythmic exercise, such as brisk walking, running, or dance that uses the large muscle groups of the heart and increases the heart rate from 50 to 90 percent of its maximum. Aerobic Exercise can be done for Weight loss, but it also provides cardiovascular benefits. Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, biking, jogging, swimming, aerobic classes and cross-country skiing.


Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio, is a type of physical activity that increases your heart rate and breathing. It involves repetitive movements of large muscle groups, such as running, swimming, or cycling, for an extended period of time. Aerobic exercises can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and boost endurance. The intensity of aerobic exercise can be adjusted to fit different fitness levels, making it suitable for beginners and experienced athletes alike. Regular participation in aerobic exercise can lead to weight loss, improved mood, and increased energy levels. It is recommended by health professionals as a key component of a balanced fitness routine.

Application Areas

  • Weight loss
  • Improving cardiovascular health
  • Boosting endurance
  • Strengthening muscles
  • Increasing energy levels

Treatment and Risks

  • Aerobic exercise can help lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes
  • However, overdoing aerobic exercise can lead to injuries, such as muscle strains or stress fractures
  • It is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts to prevent injuries

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Cardiovascular exercise
  • Cardio
  • Endurance training
  • Cardio workouts


Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio, is a type of physical activity that increases heart rate and breathing, involving repetitive movements of large muscle groups. It is recommended for improving cardiovascular health, strengthening muscles, and boosting endurance. Regular participation can lead to weight loss, improved mood, and increased energy levels. It is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity to prevent injuries.


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